According to the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), A&P Mechanics, commonly called aviation mechanics, are "Maintenance Airmen." They hold combined ratings of Airframe (A) and Powerplant (P) mechanic and are certified (licensed) by the Federal Aviation Agency. The A&P Mechanic services, repairs, and overhauls aircraft and aircraft engines to insure airworthiness. He/she repairs, replaces, and assembles
parts, such as wings, fuselage, tail assembly, landing gear, control cables, propeller assembly, and fuel and oil tanks, using tools, such as power shears, sheet metal breaker, arc and acetylene welding equipment, rivet gun, and air or electric drills to rebuild or replace an airframe or its components.
F.A.R. 65.71 Eligibility Requirements: (General)
To be eligible for a mechanic certificate and associated ratings, a person must
Be at least 18 years of age
Be able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language
Have passed all of the prescribed tests within a period of 24 months
Comply with the sections of its subpart that apply to the rating he/she seeks
A certified mechanic who applies for an additional rating must meet the requirements of F.A.R. 65.77, and within a period of 24 months, pass the prescribed F.A.R. 65.77 and 65.79 for the additional rating sought
F.A.R. 65.77 Experience Requirements:
Each applicant for a mechanic certificate or rating must present either an appropriate graduation certificate or certificate of completion from a certified aviation maintenance technician school or documentary evidence, satisfactory to the Administration, or
At least 18 months of practical experience with the procedures, practices, materials, tools, and equipment generally used in constructing, maintaining, or altering Airframes, or Powerplant appropriate to the rating sought
At least 30 months of practical experience concurrently performing the duties to both the Airframe and Powerplant ratings.
If you are presently, or were, in aviation maintenance with the military, please check with the FAA regarding eligibility for your ratings.
Military discharge records showing that you have worked on aircraft 30 months (DD 214 and/or military performance records- APR's etc.).